On The Same Page
An exercise for a loving relationship…
by Jennifer Good!
When you start a new job, or even take over a new position, it is customary that you find out everything that is expected of you. You quite possibly take the time to find out what your employers consider to be good work, and what they would rather not see from you. Then based on these defined guidelines you carry out your work. You can feel confident about your ability to the job because you know what is, and what is not, expected of you.
This same philosophy, to a great extent, can be applied to a relationship. If you've never taken the time to define certain beliefs and considerations in your relationship, you may be experiencing needless setbacks. The following exercises were created to help bridge this gap of communication. Please do them WITH your partner so you can openly talk about your answers and expectations together. If you find your viewpoints differ greatly, talk with each other about why that may be, and if needed, any compromises you'd both be willing to make. After doing these exercises, you'll find you can truly say you and your partner are on the same page!
What do you think love means?
What do you think romance means?
What do you think the difference between love and romance is?
Do you feel romance is important to the survival of a relationship? Why or why not?
What do you think having sex means?
What do you think making love means?
What do you think the difference between having sex and making love is?
Do you feel sex is important to the survival of a relationship? Why or why not?
What do you feel communicating means?
What do you feel arguing means?
What do you feel the difference between communicating and arguing is?
How important do you feel communicating is to a relationship?
Source: http://www.lovingyou.com/content/love/
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